

SLOPE/W is the leading slope stability software for soil and rock slopes. SLOPE/W can effectively analyze both simple and complex problems for a variety of slip surface shapes, pore-water pressure conditions, soil properties, and loading conditions.

  • Porewater pressures; Pore-water pressures can be defined using piezometric lines, spatial functions, or the results from other GeoStudio finite element analyses. Values can be displayed as contours on the geometry to reveal PWP values used in the analysis.
  • Rapid drawdown;Rapid drawdown analysis can be conducted using the pore-water pressures defined using piezometric lines, transient finite element GeoStudio analyses, or the multi-stage rapid drawdown technique.
  • Material models; SLOPE/W supports a comprehensive list of material models including Mohr-Coulomb, undrained, high strength, impenetrable, bilinear, anisotropic strength, SHANSEP, spatial Mohr-Coulomb and more.
  • Limit State Design; Limit state design or load resistance factor design is handled by specifying partial factors on permanent/ variable loads, seismic coefficients, material properties, reinforcement inputs and more.


SLOPE/W offers a comprehensive list of features;

  • Comprehensive limit equilibrium formulation
  • Thirteen analysis methods including Morgenstern-Price
  • Several slip surface search techniques including Entry-Exit and Grid & Radius
  • Rigorous root-finding algorithm for computing the factor of safety
  • Comprehensive pore-water pressure definition
  • Finite element integration with SEEP/W, SEEP3D, and SIGMA/W
  • Probabilistic & sensitivity analysis capabilities
  • Partial factor, staged pseudostatic, and staged rapid drawdown formulations
  • Sixteen soil strength models plus five advanced soil parameters
  • Reinforcement, surcharge, and seismic load functionality
  • Vendor reinforcement library with products from Huesker, Maccaferri, TenCate, and Tensar
  • Limit state design support for Eurocode or Load Resistance Factor Design