

SIGMA/W is a powerful finite element software product for modeling deformation and stability in the civil and mining sectors. SIGMA/W analyses may range from simple linear elastic imulations to soil-structure interaction problems with nonlinear material models.

  • Stress History; In Situ stresses can be established using gravity activation, field stresses, or the K0 procedure, which consider the volumetric water content function to determine effective stresses in the unsaturated zone. Pore-water pressures can be defined using a variety of sources.
  • Coupled Consolidation; The coupled stress and pore-water pressure formulation can handle complex analyses with saturated or unsaturated soils. This is useful for construction sequences involving fill placement, excavation, and soil-structure interaction.
  • Load-Deformation; Unloading or loading activities can be simply and accurately modelled, including submerged fill placement, dam and tailings embankment construction, deep excavations, and open pit mine construction. Pore-water pressure changes can be incorporated by defining the initial and final water conditions.
  • Stress Redistribution; The stress redistribution algorithm is capable of doing stress correction for any material model with a failure criteria. Strength Reduction Stability is also available as an alternative to the limit equilibrium stability method.


SIGMA/W comprehensive feature set;

  • Comprehensive incremental stress-strain formulation •
  • Rigorous stress-update algorithm for handling non-linear material models
  • Coupled stress and pore-water pressure formulation
  • Straightforward construction sequence simulation
  • Multiple options for in situ stress definition
  • Saturated-unsaturated formulation
  • Comprehensive constitutive model list including non-linear soil and rock material models
  • Estimation routines for typical material properties
  • Complete range of boundary conditions
  • Expansive structural element library
  • Stress redistribution analysis
  • Automated strength reduction stability
  • Integration with SLOPE/W