

SEEP/W is a powerful finite element software product for modeling groundwater flow in porous media. SEEP/W can model simple saturated steady-state problems or sophisticated saturated / unsaturated transient analyses with atmospheric coupling at the ground surface. Add SEEP3D to SEEP/W to analyze 3D groundwater flow using the same comprehensive set of material models and boundary conditions.

  • Boundary conditions; SEEP/W supports a range of boundary condition options. Field data or user-specified functional relationships can be inputted to define hydrographs, reservoir fluctuations, rainfall cycles, vegetation effects, or land-climate interactions.
  • Integration; Integration of SEEP/W and SEEP3D with SLOPE/W makes it possible to analyze the stability of any natural or man-made system subject to transient changes in pore-water pressure. Seamlessly combine SEEP/W and SEEP3D, to analyze 2D and 3D groundwater flow in the same project file.
  • Material Properties; Hydraulic conductivity and volumetric water content functions can be estimated using built-in functions. The estimation process requires only fundamental information. A saturated-only material model is also available
  • Saturated/Unsaturated; The rigorous saturated/unsaturated formulation of SEEP/W means that even the most demanding flow problems, such as infiltration into dry soil or seepage through complex upstream tailings dams, can be analyzed with ease.


SEEP/W and SEEP3D comprehensive feature set;

  • Comprehensive saturated-unsaturated formulation
  • Rigorous under-relaxation and convergence strategies
  • Estimation routines for hydraulic functions
  • Complete range of boundary conditions
  • Steady-state or transient flow formulation
  • Convenient initial condition definition
  • 1D, 2D, 3D, axisymmetric and plan view analysis options
  • Powerful results graphing and visualisation options, including isosurfaces and contouring
  • Comprehensive saturated-unsaturated formulation
  • Rigorous under-relaxation and convergence strategies
  • Estimation routines for hydraulic functions
  • Complete range of boundary conditions
  • Steady-state or transient flow formulation
  • Convenient initial condition definition
  • 1D, 2D, 3D, axisymmetric and plan view analysis options
  • Powerful results graphing and visualisation options, including isosurfaces and contouring