

AIR/W is a powerful finite element software product for modeling air transfer in mine waste and other porous media. Add AIR3D to unlock the power of 3D air transfer in porous media. AIR3D provides the tools to quickly create 3D geometry, apply materials and boundary conditions to 3D objects, generate finite element mesh, and solve and interpret 3D results.

  • Density Dependent Air Flow; AIR/W and AIR3D can be integrated with TEMP/W and TEMP3D to model air transfer via free convection. Density-driven air transfer is often a dominant mechanism in systems subjected to seasonal ground temperature variations.
  • Estimate Material Properties; The air conductivity function can be generated based on the dry-soil air conductivity, a userselected volumetric water content function, and basic soil properties, such as soil classification or grain size distribution.
  • Forced-Convection Heat Transfer; Combine AIR/W and AIR3D with TEMP/W and TEMP3D to model forced-convection heat transfer. This process often governs the thermal regime in coarse-grain materials such as waste rock piles, rip-rap, and layered embankments
  • Single or Dual Phase Flow; Air transfer analyses can be conducted using a single phase material model that only considers pressure and gravity-driven air flow. Alternatively, a dual phase material model can be used by coupling air flow and water transfer.


AIR/W and AIR3D offer a comprehensive list of features;

  • Rigorous pressure and density-driven formulation
  • Single phase or dual phase flow
  • Complete range of boundary conditions, including pore-air pressure and total head, barometric pressure, air flux, and air rate
  • Convenient initial condition definition
  • Integration with TEMP/W and TEMP3D for free-convection and forced-convection process
  • 1D, 2D, axissymmetric, plan view, and 3D analysis options
  • Integrate with BUILD3D for complex 3D geometries
  • Integration with CTRAN/W and CTRAN3D for gas transfer analysis
  • Powerful graphing options and results visualization for interpreting air flow systems