

CTRAN/W are powerful finite element software products for modeling solute and gas transfer in porous media. CTRAN/W can be used to model simple diffusion-dominated systems through to complex advection-dispersion systems with first-order reactions. Add CTRAN3D to CTRAN/W to analyse 3D solute and gas transfer using the same comprehensive set of material models and boundary conditions.

  • Comprehensive Formulation; CTRAN/W and CTRAN3D offer the capability to model a diverse set of solute and gas transport mechanisms including diffusion, advection, dispersion, adsorption, decay, and density-dependent flow due to its comprehensive formulation.
  • Dual Phase Gas Transfer; CTRAN/W and CTRAN3D model gas transfer in both the gaseous and aqueous phases. A bulk diffusion coefficient, longitudinal dispersivity, and transverse dispersivity are defined for each phase.
  • Saturated and Unsaturated; CTRAN/W and CTRAN3D are formulated for saturated and unsaturated transport, allowing the coefficient of diffusion to vary with water content and the advection process to adjust as groundwater velocities change in the unsaturated zone.
  • Sorption and Kinetic Reactions; CTRAN/W and CTRAN3D can model equilibrium sorption and first-order reactions such as radioactive decay, biodegradation, and hydrolysis.


CTRAN/W and CTRAN3D offer a comprehensive list of features;

  • Rigorous diffusion-dispersion formulation
  • Ability to model solute and gas transfer
  • Formulated for saturated and unsaturated soils
  • Model sorption and kinematic reactions
  • Complete range of boundary conditions
  • 1D, 2D, axisymmetric, plan view, and 3D analysis options 
  • Convenient initial condition definition
  • Seamless integration with SEEP/W, SEEP3D, AIR/W and AIR3D
  • Integrate with BUILD3D for complex 3D geometry creatio