Leapfrog | EDGE


Leapfrog Edge can fully integrate resource estimation into your 3D geological models. It combines the visual insights from your 3D Leapfrog models with the industry-standard resource estimation tools you need most – in a streamlined, flexible workflow.

  • Link to geology: Fully integrate your resource estimation workflow with your geological modelling. Refine or add data at any stage and the changes flow downstream from the geological model to the resource model and everywhere in between. Work with data using highly visual tools, such as domained estimation object with boundary analysis, variable orientation, resource reporting, and variography block interrogation.
  • Break down barries: Intuitive, flexible workflows and uncluttered workspaces accelerate the resource modelling learning curve. Hand off block models easily to other teams in common industry file formats.
  • See data differently: Visualise and interact with your data throughout your resource estimation process. Iterate rapidly and see the results in 3D to gain new insights and guide decision making. Share cross sections, videos, and interactive 3D models with non-technical  stakeholders to help them understand you.  



Leapfrog Edge provides:

  • Domain assessment; Hone your scientific analysis and easily incorporate new information or theories for better decision making and reduced risk.Test your domaining choices, visualise sampling and grade distribution, perform boundary analysis, and exploratory data analysis.
  • Variography with transformed data; Demystify the process of defining ‘fit for purpose’ variogram models. Easily test the impact of choice of model on output estimates.Automatically back-transform variogram models to normal scores data and create copies to test alternative model choices.
  • Estimation; Use all the industry-standard tools you need in a highly visual iterative workflow that allows you to easily visualise your results and test hypotheses that hone your decision making.
  • Variable orientation; Improve your grade estimates through better local sample selection and weighting. The Variable Orientation tool provides local control of search and variogram and ensures that these are well adapted to your sample and domain geometry.
  • Block modelling; Quickly become competent with filtering and evaluation tools that don’t require scripting experience and that also help reduce the likelihood of input errors. Reuse previous calculations to save time and build streamlined workflows for more efficiency. 
  • Reporting and communication; Use 3D models, cross sections, variograms, and graphs in reports to easily communicate your findings and provide evidence of an appropriate estimate.