Leapfrog Works helps you tell the story of your data with:
- Dynamic 3D modelling; Easily copy and build multiple models to explore various hypotheses and then update them dynamically with your latest information. Automatically add new borehole data while parameters hold true. Create static models for comparison and reference. Spend less time building models and more time interpreting and sharing.
- Ground type classifications; Rapidly build 3D geological and numeric models from a wide variety of data sources including borehole, structural, GIS, 2D grid, map, point, polyline, mesh/surface, historical cross section data, geotechnical investigations, well screens, or points.
- Collaboration and sharing; Easily share your cross sections, images and movies, interactive 3D scenes, BIM, and CAD data outputs, not only enhancing productivity but your understanding.
- Interoperability; Connect directly to Bentley’s OpenGround Cloud platform to access your single source of geotechncial data. Easily import and export geotechnical and geoenvironmental data to specialist software packages, including GIS data from Esri geodatabases and shapefiles, Map Info, or raster images and maps. Export seamlessly in industry recognised BIM formats and publish directly into the BIM environment. Integrate Drawing eXchange Format (DXF), Civil3D, and AutoCAD Drawing (DWG) formats from Autodesk.
- Engineering designs; Rapidly visualise and understand detailed tunnel, motorway earthworks, bridge, dam and building foundation designs in geological context. Integrate designs, build surface topography, and create excavation volumes to inform design. Import alignments and create longitudinal sections, fast.
- Environmental insight; Rapidly assess contaminant plumes or saltwater intrusion by combing geological models with water sample screens or geophysical data. Model directly from screens in AGS or gINT projects. Visualise plumes or saltwater wedge intrusion in 3D. Then, use the Hydrogeology Solution Kit to easily combine with flow models
- Generate cross sections; Import historic sections and maps. Tailor outputs for reports, CAD, or geotechnical analysis.
- Hydrogeology Extension; mport, create, and assign properties to MODFLOW and FEFLOW grids/meshes from your subsurface model. Visualise grids in a 3D scene and share your models with free tools Leapfrog Viewer and Seequent View.
- Contaminants extension; Bring contaminant data directly into your Leapfrog Works 3D geological models. This intuitive, interactive extension allows you to characterise, visualise, and create auditable estimates of contaminant mass and location in land and groundwater environments.