Slake is dedicated to the analysis of the liquefaction hazard of soils subjected to seismic loads, based on the exploitation of in situ tests.
Slake evaluates safety factors against the liquefaction hazard by implementing the semi-empirical NCEER method as described by Youd and Idriss (2001):
- Using SPT and/or CPT/CPTu data.
- Accounting for changes in the piezometric and topographical conditions (large excavations or embankments) to reflect the project context.
- With a controlled application of the calculation assumptions and corrective factors (magnitude scaling factor MSF, confining pressure Ks).
These analysis are supplemented by the calculation of additional indicators:
- Evaluation of the seismic-induced settlements based on Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992), Zhang, Robertson and Brachman (2002) and/or Idriss and Boulanger (2008).
- Calculation of the cumulative liquefaction heights against a user-defined safety threshold.
- Assessment of the liquefaction potential index (LPI) according to Iwasaki (1981).
Slake provides all the relevant features to support the user in his analysis:
- Parallel management of several SPT and CPT/CPTu result sets within a single project.
- Interactive graphical display of the input data and analysis results.
- A "comparison mode" for superimposing calculation results based on different in-situ tests.
- Display of the results in the form of exportable tables for further processing.
- Numerous help figures to help setting the proper parameter values.
- A systematic display of the project units for each of the parameters.
- The ability to display and edit all advanced settings.
- A detailed technical manual accessible directly from the project definition window.
- Easy navigation through the various data sets of the project and a permanent display of the calculation status for each project.
- Smart importation tools for soils and boreholes data allowing for the instant conversion of units.
- Generation of customized calculation reports for the presentation of input data and analysis results.